Broiler Feed

Bagged Feed     50#bag             

Our 18% Broiler Feed is made with corn, roasted soybeans, and small grains (oats, wheat, triticale). We then mix in Fertrell Poultry Nutri-Balancer, fish meal and aragonite to meet all of your poultry’s vitamin and mineral needs.

Our 17% Soy-Free Broiler Feed is made with corn, peas, and small grains (oats, wheat, triticale) We then mix in fish meal, Fertrell Poultry Nutri-Balancer, and aragonite to meet all of you poultry’s vitamin and mineral needs.

All of the grain is USDA Certified Organic and is grown at Gianforte Farm or by other local grain farms that we work closely with to meet our same high standards.